Company details The Sound Of Cymbals / Food4mind Email: is part of Food4mind and specializes in offering music cymbals. Address: Spiesberg 22 5985 NP Grashoek The Netherlands VAT ID: NL001889986B22 Chamber of Commerce Venlo: 12056061 For transfers from Belgium or other countries outside the Netherlands, always state the complete address details and bank codes below: Food4mind, Spiesberg 22, 5985NP, Grashoek, Netherlands IBAN: NL91INGB0004566694 BIC: INGBNL2A Transfers within the European Union are free of charge. Please check your banking conditions for this. In any case, mention shared costs, payments based on beneficiary costs are not accepted. For an international transfer, please DO NOT use the option to send a notification, this will cost at least Eur 3.50 and these costs will be recovered by us. This notification has no additional benefits for the customer or us. If you have a question, please first look at our frequently asked questions page, often your question has already been answered there. We can be reached best and fastest by e-mail, Possible telephone contact: 06-21932898