Warranty conditions

Warranty conditions

- We always adhere to the legal requirements regarding warranty conditions.

- Our warranty period is the same as the manufacturer's warranty and is at least one year, depending on the manufacturer.

- The warranty is separate from the statutory cooling-off period, which is 14 days and within that time you can simply return the cymbal purchased from us for a refund.
Naturally, this cymbal must be completely free of intensive signs of use, external damage, modifications, etc.

- If your pelvis is damaged during transport, this must be reported immediately upon receipt, otherwise we cannot offer a solution.

- Cymbals are by definition consumables (they wear out irrevocably through use), which is why the warranty conditions are based on that.

- We do not offer any warranty on second-hand cymbals because cymbals are consumables. We will treat any complaint from you regarding second-hand cymbals
purchased from us seriously and will see within our capabilities whether we can offer a (partial) solution to the problem you have identified.

- All warranties run from the date you receive your cymbal.

- Guarantees cover you for any problem to the cymbal caused by a defect in the material or workmanship of the cymbal.

- Warranties do not cover problems caused by overuse, misuse, neglect, modifications or abuse or other actions for which cymbals are not intended.

- Wear and tear due to use is excluded from the warranty.

- Modifying a cymbal in any way will void your warranty.

- Defects must be reported to us within the warranty period.

- Cymbals with a crack that is perpendicular to the direction of rotation of the pelvis (almost always on the outside of the pelvis), i.e. from the outside towards
the cup, are almost never covered by the warranty. Such a tear is almost always caused by misuse, excessive use or an accident with the pelvis. We always have this
assessed by the manufacturer if the customer insists on this, costs may be involved. Usually the cause is as follows: a cymbal is hit hard on the rim by something
from outside other than a wooden drum stick or even falls on the cymbal rim. This causes the material at the edge to be slightly compressed or bent. If the drumstick
hits exactly this weakened spot, a crack perpendicular to the pelvis is almost inevitable.

- Cymbals with a crack in the direction of rotation that occurs within the warranty period have a good chance of being replaced free of charge and are therefore often covered by the warranty.

- Warranties on cymbals usually come with a cymbal when it is sold. But we are only liable for warranty claims on cymbals purchased from us.
Warranty claims on cymbals originally sold by us and subsequently purchased from a third party business party must be handled directly by that third party or by the cymbal manufacturer.

- If a defect is covered by the warranty, a replacement cymbal of the same make, model and size will be made and delivered to you free of charge.

- If a defect is not covered by the warranty, the cymbal cannot be replaced, but we will send it back to you. There are costs associated with this
that will be charged.
Depending on the situation, these may be shipping costs, test costs and/or handling costs.

- Otherwise, the general statutory warranty provisions and our general terms and conditions apply.

- For any questions contact us via: cymbals@thesoundofcymbals.com