Privacy Statement

The website is part of the Food4mind company.

Food4mind uses the personal data and address details you provide exclusively to process your orders in the best possible manner and to provide you,
with your permission, with information about the development of our site, our company and our range, as well as about any promotions.
This information is treated confidentially.

Food4mind will only make your data available to third parties if this is related to the processing of your orders.
These third parties are also obliged to treat your data confidentially.

We will never sell or make your data available to third parties for reasons other than those stated above, unless we have your express written permission to do so.
We only use professional, reputable parties for financial transactions and do not store any details of your bank or credit card or anything else related to financial transactions.

What we also do not do is try to follow you unsolicited on the internet with advertisements using so-called cookies, and we also do not spam with e-mail.

You can always place an order by e-mail, post or telephone. In this way, no information from you is placed on an internet server by Food4mind or others on behalf of Food4mind.

Our address:

Spiesberg 22
5985 NP Grashoek
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)6-21932898

Chamber of Commerce Venlo: 12056061


The above is also the contact address for privacy-related questions.

If you have complaints about us regarding privacy issues, you can submit them to the Dutch Data Protection Authority:

We use your basic name and address details and e-mail address solely for the purpose of processing your orders. You can also enter your telephone number, but this is not a required field.

You do not have to provide us with other information such as basic name and address information (Name, Address, Postal Code, City) and e-mail address and we do not use them.
If you provide your telephone number, we will only use it for possible communication about the progress of your order(s).

If you have given permission for mailings from us, we could send you a newsletter or email about important events in our webshop. You can always withdraw this permission.

In principle, we keep your data forever, but you can always indicate that we must delete your data, and we will do this immediately.
Within our administration we naturally apply the mandatory retention period of the tax authorities.

You must give explicit permission to receive a newsletter during the ordering process, otherwise you will never receive newsletters from us.
In every newsletter we communicate how you can unsubscribe from our newsletter service.

We only share your data with the following necessary parties:
- Shopbuilders: where the webshop is hosted, we have a contract and a processing agreement with them.
- Carriers such as PostNL, DHL, DPD, etc. Naturally because they deliver your package and must have your address and email (for registered shipments).
- Possibly the Tax Authorities and other government agencies if they request this and are legally within their rights.

You always have the right to view your data, change it, have it completely deleted or have it sent to you.
Within our web shops we delete your data immediately after you request it, within our administration system we delete your data if you request it
after the statutory limitation period of the Tax Authorities has expired.